Projects can take very different forms. What they all have in common is that they deal with a topic over a certain period of time. My projects extend over years rather than months, but you can also pursue several projects at the same time. Regardless of whether it is a specific object (e.g. bus stations or trees, see below), a theme (e.g. water, celestial phenomena, ...) or a geographical location or landscape, projects can encourage you to observe certain things more closely and take a closer look at the variance of things. In addition, you always have photographic stimuli, perhaps even in areas where you don't necessarily think you will come across photographic subjects.

Auf Reisen ist es immer wieder spannend nicht nur neues zu sehen sondern auch bekanntes zu vergleichen. Wie werden verschiedene Dinge in andern Ländern angepackt und realisiert. Am augenscheinlichsten sind diese Differenzen an alltäglichen Dingen zu sehen. Das ganze Fotografisch zusammenzufassen ist besonders reizvoll da man später die verschieden Aufnahmen direkt nebeneinander vergleichen kann. Eigentlich kann man sich irgendetwas zum Thema nehmen, am besten etwas, dass man einfach Fotografieren kann und zudem man einfachen Zugang hat. Ich habe mit Bushaltestellen ausgesucht. In Europa sind sie auf jeden Fall weit verbreitet. Inzwischen hoffen meine Mitfahrer schon dass ich nicht schon wieder eine neue Haltestelle entdecke und ein Stopp bevorsteht.
Gallery 1

Gallery 2

Gallery 3

Gallery 4

Power Lines
On my past travel to work I frequently passed a region with a high density of high voltage for electrical power distribution as well as telegraph lines. First of all one thinks how to circumvent having all these masts in a possible picture beacuase they are mostly disturbing and especially the power lines itself cross pictures mostly at a unwanted place. With time I realised, who many differet types of power line masts and telegraph line masts exist and how interesting it was to observe how all these lines cross the landscape. A photography project was born. Especially in high densly poulated mid Europe it is easy to finf those masts everywhere and therewith one has a wide varity of photographic subjects on hand. Soon, you'll be delighted seeing a telegraph mast....
Gallery 1, Bern, Switzerland

Gallery 2, Switzerland & Austria

To fotograph water is a very special challange. The ever changing movemet and structure of the water surface influencing all the reflections make photographing water thrilling.It requires long detailed observation to understand when to capture different moods. Influences by many factors, water color changes for example be the sky color reflected on the surface. At uneven water surfaces, i.e. waves, different areas of the sky are reflected toweards the observer. In coastal areas, the landscape itself is also reflected expanding the variabilty almost indefinitively. Well known are photos from still water beeing coloured by closeby red canyon walls. All the reflections are dependent on the angle the observer looks at the water surface. The impression of the same water area can change dramatically from standing on a peer to sitting in a kajak. The structure of the water surface is also influenced by the wind which superimposes small waves on the larger ones.

Vienna, Austria


Trees are a very traditional subject in photography. Nevertheless, everyone can discover them for themselves. This theme can, of course, be expanded as desired, e.g. by photographing not only trees as a whole, but also details of branches, trunks or leaves. Or you can extend the theme to entire forests. Trees at different times of the year are also taken up again and again, e.g. by photographing the same tree again and again over the course of a year (i.e. creating a very slow, two-lapse film), you can of course also take a whole forest landscape or a composition of branches; but you don't have to take such a traditional approach; you can also try to capture the different colours of tree trunks or their colour composition in the forest and the resulting colour palettes. As you can see, there are countless possibilities and you won't get bored in the forest any time soon.
Muonio, Finland

Graz 2, Austria

Graz 1, Austria

Baumnah, Graz, Austria